2013 Agenda
Symposium on “Plant Biotechnology for Health and Sustainability”
Michigan State University
Molecular Plant Sciences Building, Room 1200
October 31-November 1, 2014
Tenative Agenda
Friday Morning, October 31, Room 1415 BPS
Due to room capacity, the morning session is limited to confirmed registered participants
8:30 Welcome, Rob Last
Session One - Careers and Career Paths
Session Chair – Bobby Bringi
8:40 Noel Day, Partner, Honigman, Miller, Schwartz and Cohn, LLP
How to Get Paid for Your Ph.D
9:20 Marianne Laporte, Eastern Michigan University
Pathways to and Rewards of Teaching Biology at a Primarily Undergraduate
Regional Comprehensive University
10:00 Roundtable Discussion Sessions
Career Paths to Academia (US)
Career Paths to Academia (International)
Alternative Career Paths
Teaching at Undergraduate Focused Institutions
12:00 Lunch Break
Friday Afternoon, October 31, Room 1200 MPS
1:00 Welcome – Dave DeWitt, Associate Dean, College of Natural Science
Session Two - From Concept to Fermenter
Session Chair – Gregg Howe
1:10 Timothy Whitehead, Michigan State University
Programming Proteins by Deep Sequencing and Design
1:50 Michelle Chang, University of California, Berkeley
Engineering New Chemical Function in Living Organisms
2:30 Bobby Bringi, Michigan Biotechnology Institute
Accelerating Commercialization of Bio-based Technologies: Some Personal Perspectives
3:10 Break
Session Three - Imagining and Reimagining Biology
Session Chair – Tim Whitehead
3:40 Chris Adami, Michigan State University
Evolution of Games Microbes Play
4:20 Kevin Walker, Michigan State University
Moving Towards Sustainable Biocatalysis of Taxol Analogs
5:00 Phil Robertson, Michigan State University
Sustainability in Agriculture - Looking Ahead to a Multifunctional Future
5:40 Reception and Poster Presentations in MPS Atrium
Saturday Morning, November 1, Room 1200 MPS
Session Four - From Plant Genomes to Pathways
Session Chair – Rob Last
8:00 Breakfast Available, Molecular Plant Science Atrium
9:00 Robin Buell, Michigan State University
Interrogation of Medicinal Plant Species through Multiple 'Omics' Techniques
9:40 Asaph Aharoni, Weizmann Institute of Science
Metabolic Gene Clusters and Evolution in the Solanaceae Anti-Nutritional Steroidal
10:20 Anne Osbourn, John Innes Centre
Making New Molecules
11:00 End of session