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2014 Agenda

The 2014 Symposium took place October 31-November 1 2014. The Fourth Annual Symposium is planned for Fall Semester 2015. Please check this website in September 2015 for information and updates

Symposium on “Plant Biotechnology for Health and Sustainability”

Michigan State University
Molecular Plant Sciences Building, Room 1200
October 31-November 1, 2014

Thursday Afternoon, October 30, 2014

4:00 PM - Room 147 Communication Arts Building |  Map to location
Special Responsible Conduct of Research Seminar
: Crossing the Line from Scientific Method to Scientific Misconduct
Dr. Elizabeth Williams, Executive Editor, Journal of Cell Biology

Friday Morning, October 31, 2014

8:30 AM - Room 1415 Biomedical & Physical Sciences |  Map to location
Session Chair - Rob Last, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Department of Plant Biology, MSU

Session One - Careers and Career Paths
8:40 AM Jacqueline Heard, Monsanto Corp.
9:15 AM Elizabeth Williams, Executive Editor, The Journal of Cell Biology

10:00 AM
Career Roundtable discussions

A. Getting Started on the Academic Research Track - what it takes to be competitive for an Assistant Professor Position at a Research-Intensive Institution.

Danny Ducat - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Plant Research Labs, MSU
Kristin Parent - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MSU
Tim Whitehead - Chemical Engineering and Material Science, MSU

B. Different Paths, Different Institutions - preparing to teach in undergraduate-focused environments

David Lowry - Plant Biology, MSU 
Yan Lu - Western Michigan University
Jim Smith - Lyman Briggs College, MSU

C. Industrial Careers

Jacqueline Heard - Monsanto Co.
Susanne Kleff - Michigan Biotechnology Institute
Lisa Bergeron - Zoetis Inc.
Rob Last - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Plant Biology, MSU

D. Alternative Career Paths - at and beyond the bench

Liz Williams, Rockefeller Press - careers in publication and writing
Tony Schilmiller, MSU - Long term academic research route 
Chris Paddon - Amyris Inc, Research at the interface between for profit and not for profit

1:40 PM -  Room 1200 Molecular Plant Sciences |  Map to location
Welcome - Doug Buhler, Director of MSU AgBioResearch and Senior Associate Dean for Research of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Session Two - Light, Rhythms and Genomes
Session Chair - David Dewitt, Associate Dean for Research, College of Natural Science, MSU
1:50 Eva Farre, Department of Plant Biology, MSU, “Transcriptional coordination of physiological responses in Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779 under light/dark cycles”
2:20 Beronda Montgomery, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Plant Research Lab, MSU, “From cyanobacteria to plants: Light-driven modulation of photosynthesis and growth”
2:50 Shinhan Shiu, Department of Plant Biology, MSU, “Predicting biological phenomenon with machine learning”
3:20 Break

Session Chair - Cornelius Barry, Department of Horticulture
Session Three - Applying Research to International Agriculture
3:40 Doug Cook, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California Davis, "Taking a walk on the wild side: combining ecology and genomics to deduce the function of legume-microbe interactions in natural and agricultural systems"
4:20 Felicia Wu, Department of Food Science & Nutrition, MSU, “Reducing Mycotoxins in Diets Worldwide: The Potential Role of Transgenic Corn”
4:50 Michael Hamm, Department of Food Science & Nutrition, MSU. "Regionalized food systems in an urbanized world"

5:20 Poster session and mixer in Molecular Plant Sciences Atrium |  Map to location

Saturday, November 1, 2014

8:00 am Continental Breakfast, Molecular Plant Sciences Atrium
9:00 AM -  Room 1200 Molecular Plant Sciences

Session Chair - Danny Ducat, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Plant Research Lab
Session Four - Discovering Pathways and Processes
9:00 Cheryl Kerfeld, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Plant Research Lab MSU, “Diversity, structure, function and assembly of bacterial microcompartments”
9:30 John Frost, Department of Chemistry, MSU, “Sustainability and Endocrine Mimicry”
10:00 Elizabeth Sattely, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, "Plant pathway discovery for plant and human health"
10:30 Break
Session Chair - Kevin Walker, Department of Chemistry and Department of BMB
Session Five - Reimagining Biology
10:50 Danny Ducat, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Plant Research Lab, MSU, "PhotoSynthetics: Towards Designed Cyanobacterial/Heterotroph Consortia for Flexible Photobiological Production"
11:20 Lisa Bergeron, Principal Scientist, VMRD Global Therapeutics Research, Zoetis Inc., “Antibody Therapies for People and Their Pets”